Published February 2020
    Report # IQT-ACM-0220

    This report surveys the new business opportunities for atomic clocks in the coming decade. We believe this report is needed because the commercial environment is in the process of profound change. While atomic clocks have been around for decades, new applications are appearing regularly – in telecom, transportation, financial services and elsewhere. One goal of this report is therefore to

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    Published October 2019
    Report # IQT-IQN-1019

    This report is a strategic guide to quantum networks around the world. Organized on a geographical basis, the report provides profiles of what each country and region is doing to fund and build quantum networks of all kinds. The report covers QKD, mobile/transactional networks, quantum computer networking and quantum clouds, among other quantum network applications. We look at both production

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    Published June 2021
    Report # IQT-CAQC-0621

    The majority of quantum computer users currently access the quantum computer through a cloud. This has already created a number of opportunities for players in the market. For cloud providers themselves quantum computers present a new market to attack with specially designed and branded offerings. For quantum computer firms themselves the presence of clouds as an access option means that

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    Published June 2022
    Report # IQT-QN2022-0622

    This report analyzes business opportunities in the quantum networking market as it makes its transition from QKD testbeds to full-service repeater-based quantum internets. The report identifies quantum networking market opportunities in a number of areas including the following: #1. Opportunities prior to the quantum internet: For now, quantum networks and QKD networks are taken as more or less the same. This

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    Published June 2020
    Report # IQT-PQC-0620

    This report is a guide to the business opportunities that can be provided by Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) in the coming decade. Last year Google announced its breaking news of achieving quantum supremacy and in the coming months, NIST will be finalizing Round 2 of its algorithm standardization process. As awareness of the growing Quantum Computing threat increases and the standards

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    Published July 2023
    Report # IQT-PQC2023-0723

    This is the latest IQT Research report on business opportunities in post-quantum cryptography (PQC). The day when commonly used encryption schemes will be breakable by quantum computers is drawing closer. It may be just three-to-five years away if some of the vendor roadmaps are to be believed. IQT also believes that NIST’s pronouncements on standards in 2022 provide stability to

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    Published January 2019
    Report # #IQT-PQT-0119

    The market for post-quantum cryptography (PQC) already generates revenue and will expand as quantum computers capable of breaking common public key encryption schemes with Shor’s algorithm become more widely deployed. For now, post-quantum cryptography finds its market in critical long-lived data such as plans for aircraft and medical databases that need to survive well into the era of powerful quantum

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    Published August 2021
    Report # IQT-PQC2021-0821

    IQT Research prepares an annual report on the business opportunities in post-quantum cryptography (PQC). This report is the latest in the series. Since the previous report, NIST has announced which candidate algorithms have been selected to advance to the third round of the selection process. This report analyzes NIST’s choices and predicts where the all-important NIST standards will be headed

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    Published May 2024
    Report # IQT-QKD2024-0524

    IQT Research believes that Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) represents a product/market opportunity of immediate importance.  QKD, combined with PQC, enables a two-pronged approach to cybersecurity in a world in which quantum computers will increasingly break public key encryption.  Two points of failure in cybersecurity are better than one. At the same time, the relatively mature QKD technology provides a solid

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    Published January 2022
    Report # IQT-QCFSI-0122

    In late 2019, Bank of America claimed quantum computing “would be as revolutionary in the 2020s as smartphones were in the 2010s.” Goldman Sachs was quoted in January 2020 saying quantum computing has the potential to become a critical technology in the financial services sector. Other big banks have made commitments to quantum computing including JPMorgan, Citigroup and Wells Fargo

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    Published June 2021
    Report # IQT-QCFS-0621

    This new report analyzes the opportunity for quantum computing in the financial services sector and forecasts its level of capital and service expenditures on quantum computing in the next five years. IQT Research believes that this sector has the funds to support significant investment in quantum computing and also that there are abundant applications for quantum computing in financial services

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Showing 1–11 of 29 results