Quantum Sensors: Market Evolution 2023 to 2032

Report: IQT-QS2023-1023
Published: October 17, 2023

This is the latest IQT Research report on business opportunities in the quantum sensor markets. It covers the following devices: CSACs and next-Atomic Clocks, Quantum Magnetic Sensors, Quantum Gravitometers, Quantum LiDAR, Single-Photon Detectors and more. Each of these products are considered within a wide variety of markets including Defense, Medical/Healthcare, Internet-of-Things, Computer and Communications, Smart Grids, Navigation and Transportation, Construction, Oil and Gas, Financial Services, and R&D.

Quantum sensors have been around in the form of atomic clocks and PAR sensors for many years, but the quantum “revolution” of the past few years has drawn such products to the attention of executives in the quantum space. Among the top-notch firms that are moving in this space and have high hopes are SandboxAQ (a Google spinout) and Infleqtion. Meanwhile, Bosch the largest automotive firm in the world has recently set up a special division focused entirely on quantum sensors.

The report shows how the quantum sensor business is also being promoted by changes in the basis for SI units and the arrival of the NIST-on-a-chip architecture. Based on the current on the quantum sensor
business environment this report provides ten-year forecasts of quantum sensors with breakouts by sensor type and end-user market. These forecasts are also supplied to purchasers of the report in a separate Excel sheet. Finally, the report contains strategic profiles of the major players in the quantum sensor space.

Executive Summary
E.1 Current Drivers for Quantum Sensors: Redefinition of SI, NIST-on-a-Chip and the Quantum IoT
E.2 Summary of Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensors
E.2.1 Forecast by Quantum Sensor Type
E.2.2 Forecast by Quantum Sensor End User
E.2.3 Forecast by Quantum Sensor Producer Geography
E.3 Five Influencers to Watch in the Quantum Sensing Space
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 The Business Case for Quantum Sensors
1.2 Objective and Scope of this Report
1.3 Methodology of this Report
1.3.1 Forecasting Methodology
1.4 Plan of this Report
Chapter Two: Quantum Sensing: Market Impact of Current Drivers and Trends and Recent Technological Developments
2.1 Quantum Sensing: Drivers and Trends
2.1.1 The Re-Definition of the S.I. Units: Immediate Impact
2.1.2 NIST-on-a-Chip (NOAC) Thinking
2.1.3 The Quantum Internet-of-Things
2.2 Quantum Clock Markets: Recent Quantum-Related Developments
2.2.1 Chip Scale Atomic Clocks
2.3 Quantum Magnetometers
2.3.1 NV (Nitrogen Vacancies) Centers in Diamond
2.3.2 Optically Pumped (Vapor Cell) Magnetometers
2.2.3 Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUIDs)
2.4 Quantum Gravimeters
2.4.1 Ten-year Forecast for Quantum Gravimeters
2.4.2 A Note on Quantum Accelerometers and Quantum Gyroscopes
2.5 Quantum Electric Field Sensors
2.6 Quantum Light Detectors
2.6.1 Single-Photon Detectors
2.6.2 Ten-year Forecast of Quantum Light Detectors
2.7 Quantum LiDAR
2.7.1 Status and Future of Quantum LiDAR
2.7.2 Entanglement-Enhanced Quantum LiDAR
2.7.3 Ten-year Forecast of Quantum LiDAR
2.8 Quantum Radar
2.9 Key Takeaways from this Chapter
Chapter Three: Ten-Year Forecasts by Industry Sector
3.1 Quantum Sensing Applications and Markets by Sector
3.2 The Healthcare Industry: Quantum-Enhanced Medical Imaging
3.2.1 NMR and Quantum Sensors
3.2.2 MEG and Quantum
3.2.3 Ten-year Forecast of Quantum Imaging in the Healthcare Sector
3.3 The Defense-related Markets for Quantum Sensors
3.3.1 Quantum Sensors and PNT in the Military
3.4 Transportation Markets: Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
3.4.1 Quantum PNT and the Automotive Sector
3.4.2 Quantum PNT and Marine Transportation
3.4.3 Quantum Sensors as a Replacement for GPS
3.4.5 Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensors in the Transportation Sector
3.5 Telecommunication and Energy Networks
3.5.1 Telecommunication Networks: Timing and QKD
3.5.2 Energy Networks: Smart Grids and Quantum Sensors
3.6 The Financial Sector: Time Stamp
3.7 The Construction, Surveying and Oil and Gas Industries
3.7.1 Civil Engineering, Surveying and Construction
3.8 R&D
3.8.1 Quantum Information Science and Quantum Technology
3.8.2 Astronomy and Astrophysics
3.8.4 Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensors in Scientific Research
3.9 The Quantum Internet-of-Things (Q-IoT)
3.9.1 Ten-year Forecast of Quantum Internet-of-Things (Q-IoT)
3.10 Key Takeaways from this Chapter
Chapter Four: Quantum Sensing Companies: Products, Strategy, and Competitive Analysis
4.1 The Quantum Sensing Ecosystem
4.2 AOSense (United States)
4.3 Atomionics (Singapore)
4.4 Bosch (Germany)
4.4.1 Bosch and Quantum Sensing
4.4.2 Bosch Start-Up for Quantum Sensors
4.5 Infleqtion (United States)
4.5.1 Metamorphosis of ColdQuanta into Infleqtion
4.6 Element 6 (United Kingdom)
4.7 GEM Systems (United States)
4.8 Honeywell (United States)
4.9 Miraex (Switzerland)
4.10 M Squared Lasers (United Kingdom)
4.11 Muquans/iXblue (France)
4.12 Nomad Atomics (Australia)
4.13 NuCrypt (United States)
4.14 QLM (United Kingdom)
4.15 Qnami (Switzerland)
4.16 QZabre (Switzerland)
4.17 Single Quantum (The Netherlands)
4.18 SandboxAQ (United States)
4.19 SBQuantum (Canada)
About the Analyst
Acronyms and Abbreviations Used In this Report
List of Exhibits
Exhibit E-1: Summary of Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensor Markets, by Type of Sensor ($ Millions)
Exhibit E-2: Summary of Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensor Markets, by Type of End-User Market ($ Millions)
Exhibit E-3: Summary of Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensor Markets, by Geography ($ Millions)
Exhibit E-4: Five Players to Watch in the Quantum Sensing Space
Exhibit 2-1: Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensor Markets: Atomic Clocks (CSACs Only)
Exhibit 2-2: Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensor Markets: Quantum Magnetometers
Exhibit 2-3: Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensor Markets: Quantum Gravimeters
Exhibit 2-4: Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensor Markets: Single-Photon Detectors
Exhibit 2-5: Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensor Markets: Quantum LiDar
Exhibit 3-1: Quantum Sensing Technologies by Industrial Sector
Exhibit 3-2: Use of Quantum Sensors for Enhanced Imaging in the Healthcare Sector
Exhibit 3-3: Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensor Markets: Medical Imaging ($ Millions)
Exhibit 3-4: Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensor Markets: Defense ($ Millions)
Exhibit 3-5: Quantum Sensors for Navigation/Transportation ($ Millions)
Exhibit 3-6: Ten-year Forecasts of Atomic Clocks and Single-Photon Detectors in Datacom/Telecom Networks and Computing ($ Millions)
Exhibit 3-7: Ten-year Forecasts of Atomic Clocks in Smart Grids ($ Millions)
Exhibit 3-8: Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensing Markets: Financial Trading ($ Millions)
Exhibit 3-9: Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensor Markets: Construction ($ Millions)
Exhibit 3-10: Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensor Markets: Oil and Gas ($ Millions)
Exhibit 3-11: Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensor Markets: R&D ($ Millions)
Exhibit 3-12: Ten-year Forecasts of Quantum Sensor Markets: IoT ($ Millions)

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