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Apocalyptic posts are the price of mass awareness for quantum

quantum computing

Apocalyptic posts are the price of mass awareness for quantum

If you have sensed a little bit of a backlash lately against quantum computing in the general media, you're not the only one.

From the BBC, there was the recent report on the...

February 1, 2022 | By Dan O'Shea

Azure Quantum helps NASA JPL coordinate deep space communications

Microsoft’s Azure Quantum described in a blog post this week how it developed a quantum-inspired optimization algorithm for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL) to use as it...

January 28, 2022 | By Dan O'Shea

IBM’s hybrid approach tackles bigger problems using fewer qubits

IBM in recent months has talked a lot about circuit knitting for quantum computing, the notion of using classical computing techniques to find different ways of getting quantum...

January 27, 2022 | By Dan O'Shea

ColdQuanta, Classiq target high-level needs with 100-qubit quantum circuits

ColdQuanta and Classiq this week announced a partnership which matches the former’s Hilbert quantum computer with the latter’s quantum algorithm design platform to enable clients...

January 26, 2022 | By Dan O'Shea

QCI launches Qonsulting as need for enterprise quantum consulting rises

Are you starting to get the feeling that while 2021 was all about scaling qubits, 2022 is going to be more about showing enterprises what they can do with those qubits?


January 24, 2022 | By Dan O'Shea

Funding keeps flowing: Atom Computing, Terra Quantum, Black Quant Fund highlight a busy week

For a hot minute there, it looked like the funding flow for quantum start-ups was slowing down, but this week has featured a flood of news on the financing front.

Along with...

January 21, 2022 | By Dan O'Shea

Multiverse unveils Fair Price quantum simulation product

Multiverse Computing, which has been intensely focused on developing quantum finance applications on its Singularity software platform, announced a new Fair Price solution for...

January 20, 2022 | By Dan O'Shea

IonQ, Hyundai aim to improve electric vehicle batteries via quantum simulation

Trapped-ion quantum computing firm IonQ and Hyundai Motor Company have partnered on a quantum-powered simulation project that could help improve the quality and efficiency of...

January 19, 2022 | By Dan O'Shea

Rigetti execs aiming for almost $600M in revenue in 2026

Executives from Rigetti Computing visited the Needham Growth Conference last week, and gave some insights on how they are turning qubits into revenue with the hope of unlocking...

January 18, 2022 | By Dan O'Shea

Year-end commentary series: Pasqal looks ahead to 2022

In recent weeks, IQT News has been asking several companies from across the quantum sector to weigh in on the state of the industry, key challenges that remain and visions and...

January 14, 2022 | By Dan O'Shea

Year-end commentary series: IBM on quantum benchmarking

In recent weeks, IQT News has been asking several companies from across the quantum sector to weigh in on the state of the industry, key challenges that remain and visions and...

January 12, 2022 | By Dan O'Shea

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