Thoughts on When Quantum Computing Will Be Ready for the Enterprise

(InformationWeek) The president recently announced a goal to double AI spending and quantum computing R&D. Major technology vendors have taken steps to make quantum computers and simulators available to developers to jumpstart the creation of real-world quantum computing applications.
Amidst all the quantum noise, how does an organization know if it should apply — or even test — the technology against its goals and challenges? It’s important to consider the maturity of quantum computers today and factors that will speed it up.
With major technology players announcing quantum services, it’s easy to feel like a feasible quantum computer for practical applications is just around the corner. But is it? feasibility denotes a development system that’s both accessible and delivers life-changing results.
Past isn’t a prologue for every aspect of quantum. Innovation spreads faster now in a world with open source technology, online learning, crowdsourcing and hybrid development environments. The quantum price tag is high, so true value acceleration will happen when the hardware is affordable and accessible.
The most immediate applications will come to enterprises with lots of data. Some banks and airlines are already testing quantum algorithms on both qubit architecture and simulators with the large tech vendors. Pharmaceuticals are starting to engage the next generation of researchers on quantum architecture.
Other treasures will be found as the technology is applied, developers are properly trained, and users continue to ask questions. Realistically, by the time quantum is feasible, it could very well be a one-line capability requirement simply required of platform vendors, just as we increasingly do today with AI.