Taro Shimada, recently appointed President and CEO of Toshiba Corporation to keynote at Inside Quantum Technology conference and exhibition taking place in San Diego May 10-12

(Alan Marshall Meckler) IQT San Diego concentrating on the Quantum Enterprise has added the newly appointed President and CEO of Toshiba Corporation as a keynote speaker. Shimada will be one of several keynotes over three days along with Jack Hidary, CEO of SandboxAG. Additional keynoters will be announced in these pages in coming days. Taro Shimada has had several significant positions in technology automation and digital content beginning in 1990. IQT San Diego will have over 80 speakers from a dozen countries over three days as well as a robust exhibition which includes companies from the USA, Europe and Japan. Early bird registration rates are available until 5 April. Additional information including the complete program, registration and sponsorships can be found at www.iqtevent.com