KETS Quantum Security Developing Random Number Generation & Key Distribution Technologies

( KETS Quantum Security is a quantum tech company, or an Information Security company founded in July 2016.
Director of Operations at KETS, Caroline Clark, recently answered questions about the company in an interview.
KETS Quantum Security is pioneering quantum encryption on a chip – developing random number generation and key distribution technologies.
The team is taking research out of the university and research lab in Bristol, England and creating real world impacts. She commented, “The deep tech community Bristol is building also gives us a lot of energy. Seeing all these hungry, energetic new start-ups change the world is infectious! And the perfect antidote when you’re having a rough day.”
Clark commented on “. . timely and valuable support from Natalie at the Enterprise Europe Network through the Innovate 2 Succeed programme” explaining that helped KETS move a long way forward with our IP and Export strategies as a result.
Clark expects the company to be closing a Series A funding round in the next twelve months and then expanding the team and embarking on another ambitious period of growth and development for both the team and the tech.