Are Magnus Bruaset, Research Director, Simula Research Laboratory, will speak at IQT Nordics June 6-8

Are Magnus Bruaset, Research Director, Simula Research Laboratory, will speak at IQT Nordics June 6-8.
Are Magnus Bruaset is Research Director at Simula Research Laboratory in Norway, where he also leads the national research infrastructure for experimental HPC research, the Experimental Infrastructure for Exploration of Exascale Computing (eX3). He is also a member of EuroHPC’s Research and Innovation Advisory Group (RIAG), including RIAG’s working group on quantum compiuting. During his service at Simula, he has been instrumental to the establishment and operation of several strategic initiatives in research and education, such as a transatlantic PhD program between Norway and the US and large-scale, long-term research collaborations with high-profiled industry. His scientific expertise is in applied mathematics with emphasis on numerical solution of physics-based models, and in particular the realization of such modeling tools in terms of flexible and efficient software. Bruaset’s work has to a considerable extent taken place the interface between research and industry, and he has held leading positions in two research-based, commercial companies as CTO and CEO, respectively.
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The key stakeholders in the Nordic quantum technology eco-system have teamed up with IQT to launch a unique Nordic quantum technology conference. This year’s conference will be co-hosted by the Danish Quantum Community and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The conference will provide the participants with detailed insights into the rapidly expanding Nordic quantum ecosystem as well as an update on the state-of-the-art of quantum technologies in relation to use cases and applications. This conference will be an annual event with venues rotating between the Nordic countries. The first event, IQT Nordics 2023, will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, from June 6th to 8th. In 2024, the conference will be held in Helsinki, Finland.
Sandra K. Helsel, Ph.D. has been researching and reporting on frontier technologies since 1990. She has her Ph.D. from the University of Arizona.