Classiq CTO: What to expect from quantum computing in the next two years

(Forbes) Dr. Yehuda Naveh, the co-founder and CTO of Classiq, has provided a look into the next two years of quantum computing. IQT-News summarizes.
The quantum ecosystem will look very different in 2023 than it does now. In large part, this will be the result of quantum computers with more qubits and with less noise.
The number of qubits is not the only way to gauge the power of quantum computers — other factors such as coherence, fidelity and connectivity are just as important — but they provide a good ballpark of the power of quantum computation.
IBM plans to deliver a 1,121-qubit computer by 2023, and others have shared similar plans. This will cause significant change in the business landscape.
Here’s what the quantum world could look like with 1,000 qubits:
Classical machines will not be able to simulate 1,000-qubit computers.
The need for quantum debugging will prompt adoption of new tools.
The quantum computing focus will shift from academia and industrial research to industrial IT.
Demand for quantum talent and better software platforms will soar.
Quantum service bureaus will emerge.
Some businesses will deploy quantum on-premises.
Enterprises will share fewer of their quantum findings in academic papers.
A healthy and diverse business ecosystem will emerge.