USouthWales Researchers Improve Reproducibility of Quantum Devices with Completely Undoped Architectures

( The reproducible operation of quantum electronic devices is a key requirement for future quantum information processing and spintronics applications. Traditionally, quantum devices have been fabricated from modulation-doped heterostructures, where there is an intrinsic lack of reproducibility due to the random potential from ionized donors.
University of SOuth Wales’ researchers have shown they can greatly improve reproducibility over modulation-doped devices by using a completely undoped architecture, with superior uniformity in the confinement potential and more consistent operating voltages for both electron and hole devices. The results demonstrate that undoped heterostructures have significant advantages over modulation doping for reproducible manufacturing of quantum devices.
The researchers showed that quantum devices based on undoped heterostructures show significantly improved reproducibility compared to devices fabricated from modulation-doped structures. This is applicable to the design and manufacture of future quantum circuits, which may require large numbers of identical quantum dots for qubit arrays. These results are also useful for fabricating reproducible hole devices for studying the rich spin physics of hole systems.
This work was supported by the Australian Research Council under the Discovery Projects scheme and was performed in part using facilities of the NSW Node of the Australian National Fabrication Facility.