US Government & Accounting Office: Status and Prospects of Quantum Computing and Communications

( The US Government Accounting Office has released both a 2-page summary and a 62-page report assessing the potential of quantum technologies, their benefits and risks, and policy options that could help foster their development.
GAO identified four factors that affect quantum technology development and use:
(1) collaboration,
(2) workforce size and skill,
(3) investment, and
(4) the supply chain.
Options that policymakers—legislative bodies, government agencies, standards-setting organizations, industry, and other groups—could consider to help address these four factors, enhance benefits, or mitigate drawbacks of quantum technology development and use are detailed in the report.
GAO also conducted a technology assessment on (1) the availability of quantum computing and communications technologies and how they work, (2) potential future applications of such technologies and benefits and drawbacks from their development and use, and (3) factors that could affect technology development and policy options available to help address those factors, enhance benefits, or mitigate drawbacks.
Highlights of GAO report (2 pages)
For more information, contact Karen L. Howard at (202) 512-6888 or