Up-Close Inside Google’s Quantum Computer Lab in Goleta, CA

(KCRW.com) Reporters go inside a mundane white building in Goleta, CA lab where 50 Google physicists are building a new kind of computer that can solve a mathematical calculation in under 4 minutes.
Inside, shiny machines hum, and thousands of colored cords connect into hanging cylinders kept at freezing temperatures, explained Google research scientist Amit Vainsencher, “Our chips need to be cooled down to around 50 millikelvin or colder, which is colder than deep space,” says Google research scientist Amit Vainsencher.
Many Google Employees in Lab Are Former UCSB Grad Students
Many of the employees entered Google as physics graduate students at UC Santa Barbara, just a couple miles from the lab. “After six years of PhD, we kind of strung together a series of relatively high profile results,” says White. “We had just enough success to catch the eye of Google. And then they came along with the offer: ‘How would you like to keep doing this research, but you just work for us?’ And I was like, ‘All right, great!’ I personally feel like I won the academic lottery.”