UEC Tokyo Researchers’ Innovative Building Blocks for Optical Quantum Processors for Quantum Networks

(UEC) Research on quantum photonics is focused on the coherent control of individual quanta of light known as photons. Such control of light is an important step towards the realization of optical quantum networks and ultimately the quantum internet.
Kali Prasanna Nayak and colleagues at the University of Electro-Communications (UEC) Tokyo, are developing a unique all-fiber platform for quantum photonics applications using tapered subwavelength diameter waist optical nanofibers.
The key feature of the UEC optical nanofiber technology is that the optical field is tightly confined in the transverse direction while propagating over long distances as a guided mode and enabling strong interaction with the surrounding medium in the evanescent region. This characteristic has led to unique possibilities for manipulating single atoms (solid-state quantum emitters) and fiber-guided photons.
Based on their achievements to-date, Nayak and colleagues are developing both quantum interfaces between trapped (laser-cooled) single atoms and fiber-guided photons using photonic crystal nanofiber cavities, and fiber-coupled quantum light sources using hybrid systems of single quantum dots deposited on nanofibers. These fiber-coupled quantum photonics platforms show promise as building blocks for optical quantum processors and can be easily integrated into optical quantum networks.