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Toshiba a Platinum Sponsor of ‘Evolution of Quantum Insecurity and Encryption in the Enterprise’ at upcoming IQT San Diego May 10-12

By IQT News posted 07 Mar 2022

(IQT-SanDiego) Toshiba has agreed to be a Platinum sponsor at the upcoming IQT San Diego conference and exhibition taking place at San Diego Convention Center this coming May 10-12, 2022.  IQT San Diego is devoted to present and future developments of the Quantum Enterprise.   IQT San Diego

Toshiba is sponsoring Topic 3: Evolution of Quantum Insecurity and Encryption in the Enterprise   Data security in the enterprise is now an industry all on its own. However, quantum technology presents both a new set of challenges and new roads to security. This session examines the roadmaps for the quantum-safe enterprise as well as roadmaps for QKD, QRNGs and PQC from an end-user perspective.

IQT San Diego

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