SUTD Breakthrough in Quantum Mechanics to Benefit Energy Efficiency of Future Electronics

(StraitsTimes) Researchers at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) have collaborated with scientists from around the world to produce a major result in quantum mechanics.
The research team, led by Assistant Professor Yang Shengyuan of SUTD, was involved in the first experimental demonstration of the Quantum Hall Effect (QHE) in three dimensions. Electricity in a quantum Hall system can be conducted without losing energy, which makes it possible for future electronics to be much more energy-efficient and more powerful. Until now, researchers had been able to achieve this effect only in 2D systems.
The breakthrough was recently reported. The materials which scientists use have to be extremely pure and very cold (near absolute zero), and allow the electrons to move easily.
Prof Yang explained, “We can better understand new materials that can have applications in electronics and computing.”