Shuo Sun, Assistant Professor of Physics and Associate Fellow of JILA, U of Colorado, has agreed to speak on “Quantum repeaters and quantum memories” at IQT The Hague

(IQT-TheHague) Shuo Sun, Assistant Professor of Physics and Associate Fellow of JILA, University of Colorado Boulder, has agreed to speak on “Quantum repeaters and quantum memories” at IQT The Hague.
Shuo Sun is an Assistant Professor of Physics and an Associate Fellow of JILA at the University of Colorado Boulder. His research group studies experimental quantum optics and quantum information science in solid-state systems. Shuo Sun is a recipient of the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award and is an associate editor of JOSA B.
Inside Quantum Technology The Hague Conference and Exhibition will be held as a hybrid event February 21-23, 2022. This is the foremost gathering of business leaders, product developers, marketing strategists and investors anywhere in the world focused on quantum internet. Over 1,000 people will be attending this event (both in-person and online) from all over the world and from every area of quantum computing.
This conference includes panels and keynotes on topics related to the future of the Quantum Internet.