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The Quantum Internet Will Require Quantum Repeaters

By IQT News posted 22 Feb 2019

(Blog.https://www.insidequantumtechnology.com/quantum-internet-will-require-quantum-repeaters) Given that many of the viable applications for quantum networks will certainly be long haul, the author of this information-dense companion blog to your ITQ newsletter believes there will be a growing opportunity to create commercial quantum repeaters in the not too distant future.
Quantum repeaters are a new area of development in quantum communication, with most devices currently being used in labs for different proof-of-concept experiments. There is no clear vision on what specific technology to use, and despite the relative simplicity of the physics behind quantum repeaters, they are still far away from being commercially available.
Currently, one of the main obstacles to developing quantum repeaters is the lack of availability of high-performing quantum memories. Such memories would play a major role in the ability to synchronize devices in the network, storing and retrieving qubits on demand. Achieving a balance between high-frequency rates, decent coherence times, and storing not one but many qubits still lies in the future.
Stay tuned and watch the InsideQuantumTechnology.com/blog space for valuable, technical discussions integrating the science and business of quantum technologies.

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