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Quantum Advantage & Quantum Supremacy Explained

By IQT News posted 09 May 2019

(Manufacturing.net) Quantum advantage refers to the moment when a quantum computer can compute hundreds or thousands of times faster than a classical computer, while quantum supremacy is achieved once quantum computers are powerful enough to complete calculations that classical supercomputers can’t perform at all. Building computing systems with higher qubits is the backbone of how quantum computing will achieve both end goals. The field is moving rapidly. In 1998, researchers at IBM, Oxford, Berkeley, Stanford, and MIT produced a 2-qubit computing system. By 2018 Google confirmed that it was able to produce a 72-qubit computing system.
Rigetti, a quantum computing startup, is expected to release a 128-qubit computing system at some point in 2019, a major advancement in the quantum arena putting the field one step closer to achieving quantum advantage and supremacy.

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