Prisco Explains Need to Protect US Infrastructure Against Quantum Attacks

( John Prisco, CEO of Quantum Xchange writes a must-read editorial explaining that it’s in the best interest of the United States to act with urgency to protect our nation’s critical infrastructure against quantum attacks.
He recommends that Congress should increase the funding allocated for quantum research under the Quantum Initiative Act. The current allocation is $1.2 billion, which is not much.
Dangers to Infrastructure & Data Posed by Quantum Computers
Prisco goes on to give examples of the dangers to critical infrastructure on the front line facing quantum attacks. A recent report showed Russian efforts to build out large-scale espionage capabilities, potentially targeting the 2020 U.S. presidential election. The nation’s electric grid is more at risk than ever to cyberattack.
There is a misconception that because quantum computers aren’t yet available, there’s no real threat to our data. That’s just not true. China has been harvesting and stockpiling troves of data it has stolen from U.S. agencies and businesses for years. The hoard includes highly sensitive data about more than 21 million government workers and contractors that was stolen in the Office of Personnel Management breach four years ago.
Read IQT’s Interview with John Prisco here.
Quantum Encrypted Power Stations May Provide Cybersecurity to Electric Grid