Princeton Infrared Developing Detector Arrays Using Multi-Quantum Well Materials

(MilitaryAerospace) Electro-optical engineers at Princeton Infrared are developing military ladar detector arrays under terms of a contract from the Air Force Research Lab. Princeton Infrared is focusing on developing detector arrays using multi-quantum well materials enabling detection from 0.9 to 2.4 microns with low-dark current and high-quantum efficiency, company officials say.
The SBIR phase-two project concentrates on new materials development. Princeton Infrared will research new multi-quantum well materials and strained-superlattice materials manufactured on indium phosphide (InP) substrates for enabling technologies for military applications.
“These next-generation detector arrays will benefit long-range ladar used by the Air Force to identify targets,” Ettenberg says. “Current systems require cryogenic cooling while these materials will not, thus vastly lowering costs, size, weight, and power.”