Nokia Foundation Award Given to Mikko Möttönen for Quantum-Computing Research

( Nokia Foundation has granted its 2020 Recognition Award to Mikko Möttönen, Professor of Quantum Technology at Aalto University and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, for his contributions to quantum computing research.
“Quantum computing is an emerging breakthrough technology that will impact the principles of information and communication technologies in the coming years. Significant work in quantum computing in Finland has required long-term research, for example, in low-temperature physics. With this award, we want to honor the importance of this long-standing work, including the recent achievements and extensive cooperation between academic research and broader society. Particularly noteworthy are the steps taken towards the commercialization of scientific results,” said Timo Ali-Vehmas, Chairman of the Board of Nokia Foundation.
Möttönen is a Professor of Quantum Technology at Aalto University and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, the leader of the Quantum Computing and Devices group at Aalto University, and a co-founder of the quantum-computer company IQM. Born in 1980, Möttönen completed his doctoral degree in 2005. He has since established himself as a leading researcher in quantum information. He has published more than 120 scientific articles, including four articles in prominent academic journals Nature and Science, and his research has been cited over 6,000 times. Möttönen has acted as a supervisor of 16 doctoral dissertations and 74 other academic theses. His research focuses on the use of superconducting electric circuits in quantum technology, especially in quantum computers.
“It has been great to see how quantum mechanics, which was generally considered as strange and rare, has over the years become a common tool that is being harnessed for industrial use around the world. I can’t wait to see what it turns out to be, especially in Finland, where, over the decades, we have been able to develop a unique ecosystem,” said Mikko Möttönen, who was honored at the annual Nokia Foundation award ceremony. The event was hosted as a virtual event for the first time.