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KT SAT Will Develop Satellite-Based Quantum Communication

By IQT News posted 20 Jun 2019

(FastMode) KT’s satellite-operating subsidiary, KT SAT recently announced three new growth engines for its future businesses – Satellite-5G connection, blockchain-based satellite service and quantum satellite communication.
KT SAT’s blockchain-based satellite service is a solution that provides GiGA Stealth, KT’s blockchain technology, for the CCTV of ships that use an MVSAT (Maritime Very Small Aperture Terminal) service. GiGA Stealth is a blockchain-based security solution that exposes the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of Internet of Things (IOT) terminals only to verified users.
Satellite-based quantum communication is a technology that KT SAT is developing for heightened security in data communications. When the technology is commercialized, KT SAT will be positioned to supply satellite-based data communication service to the military and government, which require higher levels of reliability for their networks.

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