Korean Mobile Carriers Get Serious About Quantum Cryptography

(KoreaJoongangDaily) Korea’s mobile carriers are already starting to utilize quantum cryptography.
SK Telecom has already released a phone that comes with a quantum cryptography function, while LG U+ has taken things one step further, applying quantum resistance encryption — or algorithms that secure it against an attack from a quantum computer — to its network. KT is pushing to have its quantum cryptographic communication technology standardized by an international body.
SK Telecom held a briefing session on its quantum random number generator (QRNG) chip technology with partner company Btree in Bundang, Gyeonggi last Thursday.
The Galaxy A Quantum, the world’s first 5G smartphone with a QRNG chip, is exclusively available on SK Telecom and provides advanced security through quantum cryptography in three services — two-factor authentication named T-ID, a mobile e-certification service named Initial, and a biometric authentication-based payment system called SK Pay.
SK Telecom is planning to supply QRNG chips to foreign smartphone manufacturers and expand the range of uses for its quantum cryptography technology. It is also aiming to supply QRNG chips to industries that require a high level of security, such as internet of things devices and self-driving cars.