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Kaafarani, Founder and CEO of PQShield: “Four Ways Quantum Computing Could Change The World”

By IQT News posted 30 Jul 2021

(FORBES) Ali El Kaafarani, Founder and CEO of PQShield, a British cybersecurity startup specializing in quantum-secure solutions is the author of “Four Ways Quantum Computing Could Change the World” which IQT-News summarizes below.

Drug And Materials Development 
Quantum computers could enable drastic progression in drug discovery and development, ultimately giving scientists the ability to solve problems that are currently intractable. With their extremely high processing power, these machines will be able to simultaneously review multiple molecules, proteins and chemicals through quantum simulation — something currently unachievable with a standard computer — allowing drug options to be developed faster and more effectively than today.

Quantum computers could bring huge potential benefits to the financial sector — from deeper analytics to new, faster trading possibilities. Indeed, many major institutions are looking to quantum computing to boost trade, transactions and data speed.

Climate Change
Quantum computers also hold immense potential from an environmental perspective, and experts predict that, through quantum simulation, they will be instrumental in helping countries meet the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Cyber And Information Security
The flip side is that, while quantum computers will bring many benefits, they will also likely bring new risks. Despite vast funding toward quantum computers, a disproportionately small amount has been invested in the funding of quantum-resistant security, which could prove essential as we head into the quantum era.


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