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IBM has built a quantum level encryption engine into its latest Z16 server

By IQT News posted 24 Mar 2022

(TGDaily) IBM has identified a critical problem and opportunity to apply its Quantum computing expertise when it is needed in the IBM Cloud. Once quantum computers become viable, they’ll be able to decrypt anything not protected against quantum decryption in a relatively short period of time. And encrypted data that has been stolen and safe until then will suddenly become a huge problem for the companies that have been compromised. Security companies like Kaspersky believes every company has been penetrated already but most aren’t even aware it happened.
IBM has built a quantum level encryption engine into its latest Z16 server that will encrypt to a level that should give even quantum computers pause and should do a far better job of assuring that the data that was stolen from you encrypted remains secure indefinitely even in the brain of a viable quantum computer.

In a presentation, IBM also addressed several additional future risks tied to quantum computers. They could:

  • manipulate software updates unnoticed, compromising the systems those updates are applied for,
  • recreate documented history to falsify materials supplied during litigation discovery in ways nearly impossible to detect,
  • create viable, false digital signatures that could be used to validate fraudulent contracts,
  • be used to launch extortion attacks with believable fake information.

Basically, without Quantum Safe Cryptography, no online secret, however well protected, is safe.

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