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Health IT Ventures Start to Look at Quantum Computing Tech for Upcoming Solutions

By IQT News posted 27 Jan 2020

(HealthcareIT) Leading-edge technologies – genomics-focused data and analytics, and quantum computing – are among the areas attracting healthcare investment interest this year.
“We expect 2020 to mark the first year where health IT venture firms will start to look at quantum computing technology for upcoming solutions,” Dr. Anis Uzzaman, CEO and general partner of Pegasus Tech Ventures, told Healthcare IT News.
“With the breakthrough supremacy announcement from Google validating the technology and the subsequent launch of the service Amazon Braket in 2019, there is sure to be a new wave of entrepreneurial activity starting in 2020.”
He said quantum computing technology holds a lot of promise for the healthcare industry with potential breakthroughs possible throughout the health IT stack from operations and administration to security.
Among the promising companies, Uzzaman pointed to Palo Alto-based QC Ware, a startup pioneering a software solution that enables companies to use a variety of quantum hardware platforms such as Rigetti and IBM to solve a variety of enterprise problems, including those specifically related to healthcare.

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