Graphene Surprises Again: This Time for Quantum Computing

(HPCWire) Graphene-based, two-photon quantum logic gates gate for use in universal quantum computing. Since its discovery a decade or so ago graphene — 2-D material consisting of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb structure — has tantalized scientists. It is about 100 times stronger than the strongest steel. It conducts heat and electricity very efficiently and is nearly transparent.
Researchers at the University of Vienna have proposed a universal two-qubit quantum logic gate, where qubits are encoded in surface plasmons in graphene nanostructures, that exploits graphene’s strong third-order nonlinearity and long plasmon lifetimes to enable single-photon-level interactions.
The researchers believe their work will indeed be applicable in many quantum information science applications: “By combining ideas from quantum optics with nanoplasmonics, our work opens up an entirely new and promising avenue in the search for single-photon nonlinearities. While we have studied the application of graphene nanoplasmonics to a quantum logic gate, this could also be used for deterministic optical implementations of quantum teleportation,cluster state generation,and single- photon sources,underlining the applicability of this platform.”