First Practical Protocol Proposed for Anonymous Communication in Quantum Networks

( The first practical protocol for anonymous communication in quantum networks has been proposed by Anupama Unnikrishnan, Ian MacFarlane, Richard Yi, Eleni Diamanti, Damian Markham, and Iordanis Kerenidis, from the University of Oxford, MIT, Sorbonne University, the University of Paris and CNRS.
“Our protocol brings anonymous quantum communication closer to being actually demonstrated in the lab,” Unnikrishnan told “We can guarantee anonymity in the most paranoid scenario: without needing to trust the honesty or computational power of players in the network, or even the entanglement they share.”
In the future, the ability to anonymously transmit messages will be critical for many of the potential applications of a future quantum internet. However, much more work needs to be done in the meantime.