CQT & NUS in Singapore Bringing Optical Quantum Technology Out of Lab Into the Field

(OpenGov.Asia) The Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) at the National University of Singapore is changing the ways in which quantum technology is used. They are developing new solutions and innovations in this tech area. The team under Associate Professor Alexander Ling is working on advancing research and innovation on quantum satellites through their collaboration with Singtel. They are looking at “bringing optical quantum technology out of the lab and into the field”.
The team has two launched nanosatellites under its wing. The first tests of the team’s quantum instruments were done in space on the NUS satellite Galassia that was launched in 2015. On June 17, they deployed SpooQy-1, a quantum satellite that they had built. It was deployed into orbit from the International Space Station.
Prof Ling predicts that integrated photonics will largely influence the miniaturisation of quantum systems in future applications. “Our team also has an effort aimed at studying waveguide structures as sources of quantum entanglement, as well as studying how complete experiments may be fabricated on a single chip,” he said.