Congressman Brindisi Seeks $30 Million for Rome Lab for Quantum Computing, Unmanned Aerial Research, & Countering Drones

(RomeSentinel) A $30 million increase in spending on the Rome Lab is one of the priorities for Congressman Anthony Brindisi, D-22nd Dist. as Congress takes up defense spending, he said on Monday. Brindisi told a remote news conference he will include a provision calling for a $30 million increase in spending at Rome Lab on quantum computing, unmanned aerial vehicle research and work in countering drones in the annual defense authorization bill coming before Congress.
Quantum computing is an area of computer science dealing with the molecular level and is widely considered the route to much more powerful, fast and efficient computing.
Rome Lab, formally called the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Information Directorate, is among Oneida County’s largest employers and is based at Griffiss Business and Technology Park, the former air base in Rome.