BBC: Why Build a Quantum Computer?

(BBC) Governments and corporations are spending billions trying to turn them into workable technology. One expert told the moderator “Money is falling out of the sky.” Neal Razzell finds out why the race by talking to four experts:
–Shohini Ghose, Professor of Physics and Computer Science at Wilfred Laurier University in Canada
–Stephanie Wehner, Professor in Quantum Information at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands
–Winifried Hensinger, Professor or Quantum Technologies at the University of Sussex
–Jonathan Dowling, Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Louisiana and author of ‘Quantum Technology – The Second Quantum Revolution’ and ‘Schrödinger’s Killer App – Race to Build the World’s First Quantum Computer’.
NOTE: This is an excellent 23 minute discussion, particularly for those needing a grounded introduction.