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QCI Releases Mukai 3.0 Quantum Software Platform; Delivers Results for 5x Bigger Problems

By IQT News posted 09 Oct 2020

(MarketWatch) Quantum Computing Inc. (QCI) has released version 3.0 of its performance-leading Mukai(TM) quantum software development and execution platform.
The new version delivers greater problem-solving capability, more simplified software development and execution, and built-in connections to the widest selection of the world’s most powerful quantum computers (QCs), along with industry-first capabilities.
“While for most users cloud availability has overcome the high cost of purchasing QC hardware, accessing QC vendors via the cloud requires extensive technical know-how and special skills,” noted QCI chief technology officer, Michael Booth. “This still puts quantum computing out of reach for most organizations who could benefit the most from the power of quantum solutions. Mukai 3.0 overcomes these challenges now better than ever before.
“In addition to making QC software development and execution simpler and more affordable, Mukai 3.0 makes it even easier, more powerful and scalable. We encourage developers and organizations to try Mukai today and discover firsthand how they can migrate their existing applications to quantum-ready solutions and realize superior performance in solving real-world problems–even when running their quantum-ready applications on classical computers.”
Examples of real-world problems Mukai can now more effectively address include reducing the impact to revenue or business operations posed by adverse environmental conditions, like hurricanes, floods, wildfires and power outages. Companies can use Mukai to minimize such disruptive, high-impact events in real-time by helping to guide their response.

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