Time for the Q# Advent Calendar

(CloudBlogsMicrosoft) It’s time for the Q# Advent Calendar! Every day leading up to December 24th there will be a new blog post on the Q# Advent Calendar discussing one of a myriad of topics related to Q#, written by Q# community members, as well as the Microsoft Quantum team.
This is the second annual Q# Advent Calendar. There are already some great blog posts published in this year’s calendar, and more are coming up, so don’t forget to check back daily for the newest entry. If you’re interested in contributing a blog post, there are still some open slots. To check out the Q# Advent Calendar, and find out how you can contribute, click on over to the Q# Dev Blog.
The rules are simple:
*Reserve a slot by leaving a comment on the blog post. The slots are assigned on the first come, first serve basis. You do not have to announce the topic of your blog post until you’re ready to publish it, but we’d really love to hear it beforehand!
*Prepare a blog post (in English) about Q#, learning Q#, teaching Q#, using Q# for research, tools for working with Q#.
*Publish your blog post on your assigned date. Don’t forget to link back to the Q# Advent Calendar from your post, so that your readers can find the entire advent.
* Leave the link to your blog post in a comment to this post, and we’ll add it to the calendar. If you share a link to your post on Twitter, use hashtags #qsharp and #QsAdvent.