IQT Summit Opens in Boston with Morning Keynotes from D-Wave, Strangeworks, & IBM

(IQTEvents) Inside Quantum Technology’s “The Future of Quantum Computing, Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Sensors” summit opened in Boston this morning with introductions from its very own Lawrence Gasman and Alan Meckler. The summit will provide attendees with comprehensive insights into the commercial future of all areas of quantum technology. Speakers are from leading quantum computer firms, the cryptography industry, innovative start-ups, software companies, component companies and others.
The first morning’s program was keynote rich.
The first and opening keynote was delivered by Edward Dahl, Principal Research Scientist, D-Wave.
NOTE: click here to read ITQ’s earlier, and related announcement of Dahl’s keynote that highlighted his career and also provided backgrounder on D-Wave.
The second keynoter whurley, CEO of Strangeworks, predicted that “quantum computing will change computing in next 15 years in greater ways than computing has changed in its entire history. wurley also suggested these three points:
1. Quantum needs long term investment
2. Quantum will only become useful through collaboration
3. Quantum needs to be crazy, creative, and patient. Less Elon, more Beyonce.
Third keynote of the morning was delivered by Travis Scholten, Quantum Computing Applications Researcher, IBM.
Afternoon tracks today are devoted today to a) Quantum Computing and b) Cybersecurity and Quantum Networking.