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IBM & Princeton Extend Application Deadline for Quantum Undergraduate Research to March 23

By IQT News posted 17 Mar 2020

(IBM.blog) IBM and Princeton University are happy to announce that we are now accepting applications for the 2020 Quantum Undergraduate Research (QUIRP) at IBM and Princeton program. The Application Deadline has been extended to March 23, 2020. Click here for details.
QURIP interns will spend six weeks during the summer of 2020 conducting academic research in quantum science and engineering at Princeton University, followed by six weeks of IBM Quantum industry research at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York. The QURIP program provides rising scientists and engineers experience with fundamental research and industrial applications, helping students develop their careers and chart a path through their graduate and post-graduate studies.
During their time at IBM, QURIP interns will join a cohort of IBM Quantum intern researchers, engineers, and developers who are contributing to the open source Qiskit project, conducting fundamental research into quantum computing, and helping people understand the relevance of quantum computing. QURIP interns will have access to the IBM Quantum internship program which connects undergraduate and graduate students with each other, with university programs, with IBM Q Network firms, and with the quantum computing community. IBM Quantum interns have the opportunity to gain valuable skills and experiences essential for future professional opportunities, as well as continued studies.
Stipend and Housing: Provided by Princeton and IBM
Eligibility: US citizens and permanent residents
Starts: June 8, 2020 or June 15, 2020 (depending on your academic calendar)
Ends: August 28, 2020 or September 4, 2020 (depending on your academic calendar)

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