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Alan Meckler, CEO of 3DR Holdings Discusses Quantum Technology & Daily Applications with Bloomberg Radio

By IQT News posted 12 May 2021

(BloombergInterviewsAlanMeckler) Alan Meckler, CEO of 3DR Holdings, discusses quantum technology and its daily applications in this interview with Bloomberg hosted by Paul Sweeney and Matt Miller.
The discussion featured the promises and dangers of quantum technology.
While the quantum computer will not be in the home, but the home will be affected. The first benefit is quantum-safe encryption on cellphones. Meckler pointed out that the platinum sponsor of next week’s IQT-NYC Online event is IDQuantique–which has been working on quantum encryption for 15 years and Samsung phones in Asia already utilize IDQs technology.
A second area of promise is in drug design and development.
In terms of danger, there is a great fear in next four or five years that quantum computers will be able to break bitcoin and even bank accounts.
The dangers also include military and communication aspects. One of great areas of concern in the US that the leadership and funding that China has shown in this arena. The Chinese have a university campus devoted to quantum technology.
The USA committed over $1B to Quantum Technology in 2018 and the Biden administration has committed hundreds of millions more.

IQT-NYC Online May 17-20


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