Quantum Random Number Generators: Market and Technology Assessment 2023-2032

Report: IQT-QRNG2023-1222
Published: December 8, 2022

QRNG is the first true source of random numbers, as all other methods currently in place rely on classical (deterministic) physics. During 2021 and 2022, the QRNG market has been undergoing significant shifts, both in terms of product design and in terms of market value. The QRNG market has its roots in the casino and military market but promises new uses in mobile communications, the Internet-of-things (IoT) and the automotive industry. These new mass markets promise to take QRNG sales to 1.2 billion market in 2028, going on to reach $4.4 billion in a decade. In addition to sales of QRNG hardware and chips several providers are offering “entropy services” based on QRNGs.

In addition to granular ten-year market forecasts, in this report we identify and quantify the commercial potential for QRNGs. More specifically
we provide a technological assessment of the various QRNG technologies. Elsewhere in the report, we analyze the markets in which QRNGs are expected to to sell and examine the degree to which there is real demand for QRNGs in these markets. Another major focus of this report is a market-oriented discussion of how QRNGs and PQC fit together into a future “quantum safe” strategy for organizations large and small.

This report is based on extensive interviewing of executives at firms designing and marketing QRNGs and it also draws on recent influential technical papers. Finally, this report also provides strategic profiles of all the main players manufacturing QRNGs or offering entropy services. We also include profiles of the leading standards organizations active in the QRNG space.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
E.1 Five Drivers for the QRNG Market
E.2 The Many Commercial Opportunities for QRNG Products
E.3 Three Big Changes Expected From QRNG Technology
E.3.1 Innovation #1 QRNGs and Disruption in the IoT Market: Next Step After QRNG-enhanced Cellphones
E.3.2 Innovation # 2: QRNGs in the Encryption as a Service Market: How Big Will this Next Wave Be?
E.3.3 QRNG, QKD and PQC: Together at Last
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Scope and Objectives of Report
1.2.1 Changes Since Last Report
1.3 Methodology
1.4 Plan of this Report
Chapter Two: QRNGs: State-of-the-Art
2.1 The Path to QRNGs: PRNGs and TRNGs
2.1.1 PRNGs
2.1.2 TRNGs
2.2 Enter QRNGs
2.2.1 QRNG Technology
2.2.2 Potential Marketing Problems for QRNGs
2.3 Types of QRNGs: QRNG Form Factors
2.3.1 Embedded QRNGs and QRNG Chips
2.3.2 USB/PCIe Systems: Extension Cards and Plug-ins
2.3.3 QRNG Appliances/HSMs
2.3.4 Entropy-as-a-Service
2.4 The Relationship of QRNG and PQC: Are QRNG’s Quantum Safe?
2.5 Key Points from this Chapter
Chapter Three: Applications, Markets, and Forecasts
3.1 Key Developments
3.2 Quantum Key Distribution
3.3 Gambling/Gaming
3.3.1 QRNGs and the Casino Game Market
3.3.2 QRNGs and the Electronic Game Market
3.4 QRNGs and the Internet-of-Things (IoT)
3.4.1 QRNGs and IoT Security
3.5 QRNG in Mobile Phones
3.6 QRNGs in the Automotive Industry
3.7 QRNG in Financial Services and Banking
3.7.1 The Case for Quantum Cybersecurity in Banks and Financial Institutions: The Role of QRNGs
3.7.2 Other Uses for QRNGs in Banks and Financial Institutions
3.8 Aerospace, Military and Intelligence Markets for QRNGs
3.9 Telecommunication Services
3.10 Data Centers: Government, Business and Cloud Providers
3.11 Other Markets for QRNGs
3.12 Entropy Services
3.13 Market Totals for QRNGs
Chapter Four: QRNG Influencers: Standards Organizations and Companies
4.1 QRNG Standardization Organizations and Influencers
4.1.1 BSI (the German Federal Office for Information Security)
4.1.2 Hudson Institute
4.1.3 International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
4.1.4 National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) (United States)
4.1.5 National Physical Laboratory (NPL) (United Kingdom)
4.2 QRNG Suppliers
4.2.1 Alibaba (China)
4.2.2 API3 (Australia)
4.2.3 Crypta Labs (United Kingdom)
4.2.4 Defense Research and Development Organization (India))
4.2.5 EYL (Korea)
4.2.6 ID Quantique (Switzerland)
4.2.7 InfiniQuant (Germany)
4.2.8 KETS (UK)
4.2.9 QNu Labs (India)
4.2.10 Qrypt (United States)
4.2.11 Quantaglian (Japan)
4.2.12 Quantinuum (U.S./U.K.)
4.2.13 Quantropi (Canada)
4.2.14 QuantumCTek (China)
4.2.15 Quantum Dice (United Kingdom)
4.2.16 Quantum eMotion (Canada)
4.2.17 Quantum Xchange (United States)
4.2.18 Quintessence Labs (Australia)
4.2.19 Quside (Spain)
4.2.20 Randaemon (Poland)
4.2.21 Terra Quantum (Switzerland)
4.2.22 Toshiba Europe (United Kingdom)
List of Exhibits
Exhibit E-1: Five Factors Shaping the QRNG Sector
Exhibit E-2: QRNG Opportunities By End-user Market
Exhibit E-3: Big Innovations Expected from QRNGs
Exhibit 2-1: Advantages of QRNGs
Exhibit 2-2: Marketing Problems Surrounding QRNGs
Exhibit 2-3: QRNG Form Factor Comparison
Exhibit 3-1: Selected Applications for Random Number Generators
Exhibit 3-2: QRNGs Used in QKD Systems
Exhibit 3-3: QRNGs Used in Gambling/Gaming
Exhibit 3-4: QRNGs Used in IoT
Exhibit 3-5: QRNGs Used in Mobile Phones
Exhibit 3-6: QRNGs Used in Automotive
Exhibit 3-7: QRNGs Used in Financial Services
Exhibit 3-8: QRNGs Used in Aerospace, Military and Intelligence
Exhibit 3-9: QRNGs Used in Hyperscale and Enterprise Data Centers
Exhibit 3-10: Other QRNG Markets ($Millions)
Exhibit 3-11: QRNGs in Entropy Services
Exhibit 3-12: Total Market for QRNGs ($ Millions)
Exhibit 4-1: Listing of QRNG Firms

Single-user license (One Computer) ($2,795.00)
Group-user license (Up To Five Computers) ($3,595.00)
Enterprise-user license (Unlimited Computers Within Your Organization) ($4,395.00)

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