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Breakthrough Research in Austria May Enable Teleportation of Complex Quantum Systems

By IQT News posted 16 Nov 2018

(Phys.org) Scientists from the University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences have broken new ground. They sought to use more complex quantum systems than two-dimensionally entangled qubits and thus can increase the information capacity with the same number of particles. The developed methods and technologies could in the future enable the teleportation of complex quantum systems.
The idea behind it is simple: Instead of just increasing the number of particles involved, the complexity of each system is increased. “The special thing about our experiment is that for the first time, it entangles three photons beyond the conventional two-dimensional nature,” explains Manuel Erhard, first author of the study. For this purpose, the Viennese physicists used quantum systems with more than two possible states—in this particular case, the angular momentum of individual light particles.

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