Early Bird Rates Flying Fast Away: Register for Inside Quantum Technology NYC Thru Feb 4 for $49
(IQT.NYC) The next Inside Quantum Technology Conference and Exhibition will be held online May 17-21, 2021. This will be the fourth such event and is the foremost gathering of business leaders, product developers, marketing strategists and investors anywhere in the world focused on quantum technology. We are anticipating that over 1,000 people will be attending this event from all over the world and from every area of quantum technology.
Early Bird Registration is available for $49 through February 4, 2021.
This conference includes panels and keynotes on eight topics critical to those seeking new business revenues from quantum-related opportunities. Each half-day is devoted to a topic and topic coverage at the event comprises:
Vertical FOCUS DAY Schedule
(Exclusive Sponsorships available for each vertical, apply here)
May 17 Morning — Quantum Computers + Quantum Processors
May 17 Afternoon — Quantum Safe (QKD + QRNGs + PQC)
May 18 Morning — Quantum Sensors
May 18 Afternoon— Quantum Materials and Components
May 19 Morning — Quantum Clouds and Service Providers
May 19 Afternoon — The Quantum Internet
May 20 Morning — Quantum Policy and Funding
May 20 Afternoon — Quantum End Users
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