01 Communique Announces IronCAP X Free Version for Personal Usage, Quantum-Safe Email Encryption to Launch April 23

(FinanceYahoo) 01 Communique Laboratory Inc. has announced that their IronCAP X free version for personal usage email encryption product is scheduled to be launched on April 23 in Toronto as part of the Company’s Annual Shareholders Meeting. This launch is the result of the Company assembling a world class development team for the completion of IronCAP X and the development of an impressive product road map that would incorporate the Company’s patent-pending IronCAP technology into numerous new products. This IronCAP X free version for personal usage is designed as a showcase of the underlying IronCAP technology. Availability of the IronCAP X Business Usage paid version will be announced shortly after.
IronCAP X free version for personal usage will have all emails protected by IronCAP cryptography and give the user the ability to send and receive encrypted emails, digitally sign emails and files and encrypt sensitive files. IronCAP X is the world’s first end-to-end email/file encryption and digital signing system that utilizes the quantum-safe IronCAP technology as the underlying cryptographic system to ensure safety against cyber-attacks from not only the conventional world of computers today but also against future attacks from quantum computers. IronCAP X is designed to integrate with everyday email clients such as Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo and others.
Andrew Cheung, President of 01 Communique stated, “We recently attended the 2020 RSA conference in San Francisco. It was noted that many attendees are awakening to the threat of quantum computing and wondering how to protect themselves.” Mr. Cheung continued, “This is precisely why we have spent many years building the IronCAP Cryptographic Engine. We are now ready to release our IronCAP X, which is a quantum-safe email encryption product providing protection for all types of users. IronCAP cryptography engine is quantum safe, low cost, easy to install; and designed to replace RSA quickly and easily. We feel that IronCAP is much faster and safer than RSA and encourage users to give our product a try to see for themselves.”