Two Japanese companies have begun a pilot project that leverages quantum annealing, a capability that can be used to calculate a small number of optimal courses of action out of a very large number of possibilities, to improve logistics, an application that virtually any industry can relate to amid ongoing supply chain disruptions. Tokyo-based Toppan and Tohoku University start-up Sigma-i
Read More(By Amara Graps, Staff Writer) A new, highly robust, quantum teleportation method, which is, in principle, unconditional, with no entanglement, was published by Stefan Langenfeld and his colleagues at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) in the third quarter 2021. This method, aimed for communication networks, successfully demonstrated that a single photon can teleport the spin state of
Read More(By Amara Graps, Staff Writer) To summarize what is needed in a supply chain for the key components for a consumer Quantum Computer product, the Dutch quantum ecosystem formed the ImpaQT project, with their first task: the development of a Roadmap. For such a roadmap one needs a standardization and integration of all of its building blocks, with a mature
Read MoreBy Becky Bracken The National Security Agency issued a fact sheet on quantum computing that downplayed the threat of post-quantum cryptography to public key encryption. The spy agency acknowledged it is looking toward a post-quantum future by working on the development of standards that can protect National Security Systems (NSS) but added the viability of what the report termed a
Read MoreBy Becky Bracken Wire controllers are cumbersome and hot, so figuring out a way to control qubits without them has been a goal within the quantum computing community for decades. Now a team from UNSW’s School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications has dusted off a concept dating back to the 1990s that swaps out wires on silicon chips with an
Read MoreBy Becky Bracken Pushing growth in the quantum computing ecosphere is what will help grow technologies into real-world problem solvers. And providing academics and private researchers access to the best available systems is the best way to kickstart innovation. IBM Quantum is hoping to accelerate development with its latest installation of a IBM Quantum System One at the University of
Read MoreBy Becky Bracken Honeywell hardware souped up with Cambridge Quantum software is already making scientific and technical progress, just weeks after the two agreed to combine to form the largest stand-alone quantum company in the world. Honeywell Quantum Solutions just released details on three key quantum milestones. On the hardware side, researchers were able to demonstrate multiple rounds of real-time
Read MoreBy Becky Bracken The race to improve quantum computing power is being run in parallel with researchers trying to figure out what they might want to do with quantum once it’s widely available. That means a flurry of high-tech, high-stakes research and development going on across the globe. But building qubits in-house is expensive and difficult. But a new Dutch
Read MoreBy Becky Bracken Countries around the globe are racing to ramp up funding for quantum computing solutions, worried a lack of investment could leave them behind in the race to control a substantial stake in its future. China’s government is subsidizing research and development of quantum computing aggressively and seeing results. As of April 2021, the American Enterprise Institute found
Read MoreDiamonds, sub-zero temperatures, trapped ions, complicated error correction — the pursuit to create a stable, reliable, scalable qubit has led researchers down a variety of paths, but a new startup, InfinityQ, is ready to prove the solution might be much simpler: build an analog qubit out of a CMOS silicon circuit. “We wanted to bring the computational power promised by
Read MorePricing derivatives is a complicated affair that since the 2007-08 market crash requires the calculation of what’s called a Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA), which factors in a number of complicated variables to calculate investment risk, making it a very expensive compute investment. If that sounds like a job for quantum, there’s good news; there’s a pretty good algorithm for that
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