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A review of traffic optimization efforts since 2017 reveals common factors leading to successful outcomes. Australia’s NSW state transport department just announced the southern hemisphere’s first optimization project. However, the project has not yet included some of the key skills needed. The northern hemisphere has monopolized projects exploiting quantum computing to optimize traffic management and navigation. All that is about

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As we approach the spring edition of our Inside Quantum Technology (https://iqtevent.com) online event, we are musing on how far our industry has come in the past year, despite the obvious, pandemic in the room, and we are thinking also on where we have yet to go.  In IQT’s latest report “Quantum Processors: Roadmaps and Forecasts” we analyze one of

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IQT Research believes that QRNGs will replace other sources of “true” randomness (TRNGs) over a period of 4-6 years. Both kinds of random number generators are hardware-based, making them preferable to software solutions in cases where the quality of randomness is of any importance at all. TRNGs are often based on microscopic phenomena that generate low-level, statistically random “noise” signals, whereas

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With so many other things going on in the world, it was easy to miss how far quantum technology evolved in 2020. Little more than a year ago it was still possible for serious writers in serious publications to doubt that quantum computers would ever take off commercially. Now the debate is more over how much can be done by

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In May 2020, Samsung together with IDQuantique and SKTelecom announced the launch of Samsung Galaxy A Quantum, the world’s first QRNG-enabled 5G smartphone. The Samsung-IDQ-QRNG announcement is more a showcase of how mature QRNG has become.  The fact that we now have the consumer products with quantum chips in them is a testament to how reliable such chips can now

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The quantum computing industry is gaining pace, and as we’ve already discussed in our previous blog post, we expect to see practically useful applications emerge within the next 3-5 years. During this period, IQT believes the financial sector will be a leader in terms of adoption and integration of the new technology.  The most important reasons we think this are

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What to do with a Quantum Computer:  We still don’t know Last year Google loudly proclaimed “quantum advantage” or – if you are feeling aggressive — “quantum supremacy.” This is a controversial point.  But whatever your taste in terminology or views on what Google did, there can be little doubt that quantum computers have come a long way. One only

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Inside Quantum Technology’s new report on the market for post-quantum cryptography, “Post-Quantum Cryptography: A Revenue Assessment,” (https://www.insidequantumtechnology.com/product/post-quantum-cryptography-pqc-a-revenue-assessment/) indicates that the emergence of quantum safe encryption will be big business for the cybersecurity industry leading to more than $340 million in revenues for the industry by 2023 then growing to $1.6 billion. As the chart below shows, this money will flow

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  A couple of years back Inside Quantum Technology annoyed one of our clients by suggesting that quantum secured cell phones would become a large market – much larger than the QKD market which was the big thing at the time.  The point was that billions of cell phones are sold every year and if even just the high-end phones

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Inside Quantum Technology is revising its projections for worldwide quantum computer (hardware) sales.  In this iteration of our forecasting work we place more emphasis on regional activity. The infographic that accompanies this blog shows our latest estimates for the APAC countries. We think revenues from quantum computing hardware sold in the APAC region will be about $40 million in 2020

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Inside Quantum Technology believes that an interesting side show in the escalating quantum rivalry between the USA, China and Russia is developing and will lead to growing expenditures on quantum radar: Since the development of the F-117 stealth fighter in the 1980’s — stealth aircraft have formed a key part of strategic air doctrine. Stealth aircraft changed air warfare from

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