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General Dynamics Mission Systems’ Dr. William Clark to Present ‘Quantum Computing in Government, Defense & Aerospace’

By IQT News posted 24 Jul 2019
(IQT.Europe) Dr. William Clark, the Engineering Fellow and Technical Director of Quantum R&D of General Dynamics Mission Systems will speak at the upcoming Inside Quantum Technology Europe Conference on a panel  October 29th at 2:45 pm 29th. Dr. Clark’s presentation is devoted to “Quantum computing in government, defense and aersospace.”
Dr. William Clark is an Engineering Fellow, Technical Director for R&D and Senior Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at General Dynamics Missions Systems (GDMS). William earned his Ph.D. in Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) physics from the University of Colorado, Department of Physics and the JILA Quantum Physics Institute in Boulder, Colorado in 1998. William has more than two decades of industry experience in Systems design, development and integration of next generation tactical and strategic communications systems, including software defined radio and networking technologies, and active and passive sensing systems. William is currently the Technical Director for GDMS Quantum R&D, for the Space and Intelligence Systems (SIS) business area, exploring the practical use of quantum technologies for secure and covert communications, remote sensing and signal processing.
Inside Quantum Technology Europe is a unique must-attend event that offers comprehensive insights into the commercial future of all areas of quantum technology, presenting both opportunities available today and future applications for businesses and government. The conference will consist of two major tracks: one covering the Quantum Computing hardware and software sector industry, and one covering Quantum Communication and Cryptography.

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