Whurley’s Keynote Provides Serious Advice on How to Avoid the Key Drivers of a Quantum Apocalypse

(IQT-NYC) Whurley concluded the third day of Inside Quantum Technology, New York event with a ten-minute, wide-ranging, staccato-style synopsis of messages on “How to Avoid the Key Drivers for the Quantum Apocalypse” to the quantum technology community. IQT-News summarizes here and encourages event registrants to also listen to Whurley’s archived speech online.
Whurley stressed that “Hype is dangerous for the quantum tech community.” Don’t do it.
Whurley does not believe there will be a “quantum apocalypse.” Encouragingly, he explained “. . .if he did then he would not have a company in the sector”.
He counseled, “Make mistakes, but don’t F— up”.
Stressed that, “Quantum related companies need to cooperate”.
Warned, “Watch out for conspiracy theories”.
And Whurley explained he believes, “Quantum startups are receiving more money than they need” and why.
Click below for more IQT-News coverage of Whurley.
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