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Successful Deployment of CQC’s IronBridge Quantum Photonic Cryptography Device into IBM Key Protect

By IQT News posted 13 Dec 2019

(IBM.blog) The IronBridge 4 qubit cryptographic device, which can generate quantum secure keys for your applications, successfully integrates with IBM Key Protect for IBM Cloud.
Cambridge Quantum Computing has integrated its IronBridge quantum photonic cryptographic device with IBM Key Protect and can demonstrate the generation of post-quantum secure keys.
This solution requires minimal changes to existing infrastructure and interfaces natively with the IBM Cloud platform. This project was achieved through Cambridge Quantum Computing working with the IBM Key Protect team. Technically, this provides the IBM Cloud with various forms of post-quantum encryption keys and enhanced security around existing cryptography, as classical AES keys benefit from being generated from a quantum source of entropy. The keys are generated through NIST pre-approved algorithms and are uploaded and stored ready for use as Key Protect Standard Keys. These include the following:
This proof-of-concept project shows that keys generated by IronBridge can be reliably uploaded into the IBM Key Protect service via standard secured API calls, which is entirely automated for a transparent end-to-end service. This is “Quantum Resistant Encryption” that provides absolute security in today’s environment of quantum threats to existing cryptography and standards.

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