‘Digital Twin’ Initiatives Will Advance with Quantum Computing

(Entrepreneur) Will the digital twin initiatives – to better understand the physical world around us –get a boost from the advancing quantum computing? NOTE: A” digital twin is a virtual model that mirrors a physical object or process throughout its lifecycle. Providing a near real-time bridge between the physical and digital worlds, digital twin technology enables you to remotely monitor and control equipment and systems”.
The biggest benefit expected from quantum computers is on the ability to perform complex computations, which even the supercomputers of today cannot perform. Qubits are the magic ingredient to deliver the high degree of computational power.
The real-time two-way communication and synchronization between the physical twin and the digital twin enables a variety of prognostics and diagnostics opportunities. The digital twin journey typically starts with simulations of critical assets or individual components. The larger goal is to simulate an entire process or a set-up (e.g., a manufacturing plant, smart city or a highway network), in the virtual world.
Classical computers will run out of steam in simulating and postulating millions of variables interacting with each other. This is an area of digital twins to immensely benefit from the quantum computing. Coupled with the processing power of quantum computers, the future digital twins could simulate billions of scenarios in the least time, and guide the humans on the most optimal strategy.