China Outspending the US in Quantum Technology 10 Times Over

(TechnologyReview) China is outspending the US in quantum technology 10 times over. It’s allegedly spending $10 billion alone to build the National Laboratory for Quantum Information Sciences, scheduled to open next year (although this number is disputed). America’s counterpunch is just $1.2 billion over five years toward quantum information science.
China is moving forward with a “harvest today, read tomorrow” approach, said John Prisco, CEO of Quantum Xchange. China wants to steal as much data as possible, even if it can’t access it yet, because it’s banking on a future when it finally can, he said. Prisco says the China is outspending the US in quantum computing 10 times over. It’s allegedly spending $10 billion alone to build the National Laboratory for Quantum Information Sciences, scheduled to open next year (although this number is disputed). America’s counterpunch is just $1.2 billion over five years toward quantum information science. “We’re not really that safe,” he said.
Part of China’s massive investment has gone toward quantum security itself, including the development of quantum key distribution, or QKD.