Russian & Chinese Scientists Together Develop Platform for Building Nanoelectronics and Quantum Processors

( Scientists of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU, Vladivostok, Russia) together with colleagues from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing) have designed a platinum-cobalt-magnesium oxide microstructure coated by platinum that is capable of operating in three-valued logic mode (true/false/don’t know). It paves the way for building new electronic and spintronic devices, qutrit quantum processors (three positions instead of two of qubits), and neuromorphic systems imitating human brain activity.
Alexander Samardak explained that in the research paper, the scientists indicated only the tip of the iceberg, and further research is required to achieve real spintronic devices and neuromorphic systems operating on three-valued logic.
For the eight past years, scientists from FEFU laboratory for film technologies have cooperated with colleagues from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, leaders in the field of production and the study of thin-film systems for spintronics. During this time, they have developed several joint projects on magnetic sensors and nanoscale spin systems.