RAND Recommends Government Take Rapid Action to Protect Communications from Future Quantum Computers

(MorningPicker) Future quantum computers might pose a threat to today’s most-secure communications, according to a recent report by the RAND Corporation.
These threats can be managed if the government takes rapid actions to manage these future challenges, as per the report.
Lead author of the reports & a physical scientist at nonprofit, nonpartisan RAND, Michael Vermeer said, “If an adequate implementation of new security measures has not taken place by the time capable quantum computers are developed, it may become impossible to ensure secure authentication and communication privacy without major, disruptive changes.”
According to the report, an interoperable standard for post-quantum cryptography can be widely implemented, the more eventually risk will be diminished. The RAND Researchers demand that the Government required to create and implement new policies. Risk minimizing measures, government approach & a Sence of urgency is needed to establish a safe future communication infrastructure.
A co-author of the reports & an economist at RAND, Evan Peet stated,” The advent of quantum computers presents a retroactive risk because the information is securely communicated today without Postquantum Cryptography may be captured and held by others now in order to be decrypted and revealed later once quantum computers are created.”