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Quantum Tech Pod Episode 15: Q-CTRL Founder & CEO, Michael Biercuk

(IQT QuantumTech Pod) Host Chris Bishop, today interviews Q-CTRL Founder & CEO, Michael Biercuk. Michael’s J. Biercuk’s experience is focused on the development and application of quantum control to help partners extract maximum performance from quantum technologies. The solutions he has developed through his startup Q-CTRL serve teams building quantum hardware as well as end-users seeking to put quantum computing to work for them.
Michael’s current commercial efforts leading the venture-capital-backed Q-CTRL are supported by experience in a Big-Three management consulting firm. He is a proficient networker and communicator with demonstrated ability to build connections with key stakeholders across academia, the corporate sector, and government.
Professor Michael J. Biercuk is a global science and technology innovator building the greenfield quantum technology industry. He leads teams in both the technology industry and academia, with a focus on commercializing quantum technologies including quantum computing and quantum sensing. Michael completed is Masters and Phd at Harvard University.
With international headquarters in Sydney, Los Angeles, and Berlin, Q-CTRL is building the quantum technology industry by overcoming the fundamental challenge in the field – hardware error and instability. Q-CTRL’s quantum control infrastructure software for R&D professionals and quantum computing end users delivers the highest performance error-suppressing techniques globally, and provides a unique capability accelerating the pathway to the first useful quantum computers.

Categories: Podcast


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