Inside Quantum Technology

Quantum Computing Weekend Update November 28-December 3

Enjoy the best articles from from this week as well as news that developed today.  IQT news, research and events are always up to date and meticulously curated.

While Quantum Computing Poses a Threat, Companies like Post-Quantum are Getting Ready

Horizon Quantum Computing aims to open Dublin office

Could there be a Universal Quantum Computer? Research from the University of Innsbruck says Yes

Tata Consultancy launches quantum computing lab on AWS

Quside lands funding from Trumpf, others for QRNG efforts

ColdQuanta Adopts a New Umbrella Brand: Infleqtion, Setting a Distinct Goal for Future Quantum Deployment

Could Quantum Physics Help Detect Cancerous Tumors?

IQT Fall speakers talk quantum on NPR

Inside Quantum Technology’s Inside Scoop: Quantum and Deepfake Technology

HUB Security brings Quantum Secured Cloud Workspace to U.S.


Sandra K. Helsel, Ph.D. has been researching and reporting on frontier technologies since 1990.  She has her Ph.D. from the University of Arizona.

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